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Reflections on Thoreau’s View of Materialism

December 19, 2012

There is truly much to be learned from Thoreau’s works, many of his ideas remain even more valuable today than when Walden was written. Thoreau would be quite disappointed to see American society today, and what is most highly valued. We are at a point in history plagued by materialism and consumerism. This is especially apparent at this time of year, when Americans become obsessed with buying gifts in the name of religion.

In Walden, Thoreau said, “Most of the luxuries and many of the so-called comforts of life are not only not indispensable, but positive hindrances to the elevation of mankind.” Although, many people throughout the world continue to live in poor conditions, generally, there is a high standard of living. Technological advances have improved society in many ways, however, they have also had a negative impact and hindered important development. Many people would prefer to remain indoors, watching television, passing time on the internet, or playing video games. This keeps people from becoming in touch with nature and themselves.

Additionally, many people are distracted socially by modern technologies., especially college students. Such technologies have completely changed the way that we communicate. Most young people now communicate more via social media, and cellular phones than face to face. There is more written communication than verbal. This form of communication often leads to a loss of meaning; it can be difficult to know what another person truly means without verbal cues. Also, because of the convenience of this type of communication there is an increase in superficial communications. This further removes people from discovering their personal reality, something that Thoreau feels is important to the development of individuals. Additionally, social media causes many people to become more concerned with creating an image than discovering who they truly are and becoming connected with their surroundings.

It is plausible that Thoreau would disapprove of today’s society. In a culture preoccupied with technology and materialism it has become increasingly difficult for individuals to find comfort in solitude, and live deliberately. Thoreau’s messages are timeless and reflected today’s society, as many people continue to seek life’s luxuries and yet fail to consider how these luxuries have hindered important development.

3 Comments leave one →
  1. nmnnl permalink
    March 28, 2016 2:51 pm

    Suh dude

  2. nmnnl permalink
    March 28, 2016 2:51 pm


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